Saturday, July 28, 2007

My new app bookmarks, messages and uploads files

I'm starting a test run of my new app, Flightpath 0.41. It allows anyone with an API key to create one of three types of tasks--save a bookmark with description, tags and URI link; leave a short message of 140 characters or less; or upload a file. Then all three types of posts go onto the app's home page as a "public timeline" which shows the last 10. The archives are searchable by number, and posts can be perma-linked.
So even though these can be very different types of information, they all run into the same flow. I don't know how that will work in practice but that kind of mixed media is popular at the moment anyway with things like tumbleblogs and Twittergrams.
I was inspired by Twitter of course, but I also wanted to build a good file-storing app because I want to be able to send files larger than 10 MB in Pownce. Now I can link to files on my site, of whatever size HTTP and PHP can handle!
It's in closed alpha now but I want to be making more API keys or a beta version available to more people as the site is improved. I also plan to eventually add a feed.

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